STEP Into Safety And Reduce Your Risk Of Dying In A Fire! Install Home Fire Sprinklers!

It is Week Two of the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department’s “S.T.E.P. (Safety Takes Every Person) Into Safety” campaign. The theme this week has highlighted a very important life safety tool: residential fire sprinklers.

If you follow our social media channels over the last week or so, you will have noticed several house/building fires in which fire sprinklers activated to save lives and property.

Why should you install fire sprinklers in your home? The risk of dying in a fire in your home decreases by 80 percent when fire sprinklers are installed. The amount of time it takes to escape a modern house when on fire is three to five minutes. With the installation of fire sprinklers, you will have more time to escape. (Watch the video below to learn more about the timeline of a home fire).

The best time to get fire sprinklers is when you are building a new home. All existing homes should be able to be retrofitted with fire sprinklers although some are easier than others. Please keep in mind this is not a DIY project. To get fire sprinklers installed in your home, contact a certified fire sprinkler contractor. Learn more about Retrofitting a Home With Fire Sprinklers.